Formatting Styles
Podcasts have become a valuable source of information, offering expert insights, in-depth discussions, and up-to-date analysis across various fields. As their influence grows in academic and professional writing, properly citing them ensures credibility, gives credit to original creators, and allows readers to trace sources. Whether you are referencing a podcast for a research paper, journal article, or professional report, knowing how to cite a podcast helps maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism. Different citation styles—such as APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard—have specific guidelines for citing podcasts, ensuring consistency and accuracy in your work.
When citing a podcast, it is essential to include specific details to ensure accuracy and traceability. These elements help readers locate the source and provide proper credit to the podcast creators. Below is a list of the key elements you need when citing a podcast:
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When citing a podcast in APA Style (7th Edition), it’s essential to include specific elements to ensure proper attribution and to guide readers to the source. The general format for referencing a podcast episode is as follows:
Host’s Last Name, First Initial. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Title of the episode [Audio podcast episode]. In Title of the Podcast. Production Company. URL
Reference List Citation
Turchin, D. (Host). (2024, February 11). How AI is revolutionizing finance and decision-making: Insights from wunderkind George Sivulka [Audio podcast episode]. In AI and the Future of Work. Apple Podcasts.
In-Text Citation Format
In-text citations in APA style can be presented in two ways:
If you want to learn how to cite in APSA, check out the APSA citation guide.
In MLA 9th Edition, a podcast is cited similarly to other audio recordings. The citation should include the host’s name, episode title in quotation marks, podcast title in italics, publisher, release date, and the URL. Unlike APA, MLA places the host’s name after the episode title and follows the author-date system for in-text citations.
The general format for citing a podcast episode in MLA style is:
Last Name, First Name, host. “Episode Title.” Podcast Title, Publisher, Date of Release, URL.
Consider an episode from AI and the Future of Work podcast:
Works Cited Entry
Turchin, Dan, host. “How AI is Revolutionizing Finance and Decision-Making: Insights from Wunderkind George Sivulka.” AI and the Future of Work, Apple Podcasts, 11 Feb. 2024,
In-Text Citation Format
MLA in-text citations use the author’s last name or a shortened version of the episode title in parentheses.
In Chicago Style, podcasts are cited differently depending on whether you use the Notes & Bibliography (NB) system or the Author-Date system. Chicago style treats podcasts as a type of audiovisual media, meaning citations include the host’s name, episode title, podcast title, publication date, and URL.
The general formats are as follows:
Notes & Bibliography Format
Bibliography Entry
Host’s Last Name, First Name. “Episode Title.” Podcast Title. Publisher, release date. URL.
Author-Date Format
In-Text Citation: (Host’s Last Name Year)
Reference List Entry:
Host’s Last Name, First Name. Year. “Episode Title.” Podcast Title. Publisher. URL.
Example Using a Real Podcast
Consider an episode from AI and the Future of Work podcast:
Notes & Bibliography Style Example
Footnote Citation:
Bibliography Entry
Turchin, Dan. “How AI is Revolutionizing Finance and Decision-Making: Insights from Wunderkind George Sivulka.” AI and the Future of Work. February 11, 2024. Apple Podcasts.
Author-Date Style Example
In-Text Citation
(Turchin 2024)
Reference List Entry
Turchin, Dan. 2024. “How AI is Revolutionizing Finance and Decision-Making: Insights from Wunderkind George Sivulka.” AI and the Future of Work. Apple Podcasts.
In Harvard referencing style, a podcast is cited similarly to other audio sources. The reference should include the host’s name, year of publication, episode title in italics, podcast title, publisher or production company, release date, and URL. The host is treated as the author, while the production company or platform serves as the publisher.
The general format for citing a podcast episode in Harvard style is:
Reference List Format
Host’s Last Name, First Initial. (Year) Episode title. Podcast title. Publisher, Date of Release. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).
Example Using a Real Podcast
Consider an episode from AI and the Future of Work podcast:
Reference List Citation
Turchin, D. (2024) How AI is revolutionizing finance and decision-making: Insights from wunderkind George Sivulka. AI and the Future of Work. Apple Podcasts, 11 February. Available at: (Accessed: 12 February 2025).
In-Text Citation Format
Harvard in-text citations include the author’s (host’s) last name and year of publication.
When citing a podcast that features a guest speaker or is structured as an interview or panel discussion, it’s important to appropriately credit both the host and the guest(s). The citation format varies across different styles but generally includes the names of the host and guest, the episode title, the podcast title, the publication date, and the URL.
Example Podcast Episode:
Consider an episode from Fresh Air featuring an interview with Evan Osnos:
APA Style:
In APA style, the host is listed as the author, and the guest can be mentioned in the episode title if relevant.
Reference List Entry:
Gross, T. (Host). (2020, January 10). The future of America’s contest with China [Audio podcast episode]. In Fresh Air. NPR.
In-Text Citation:
MLA Style:
MLA style emphasizes the speaker or interviewee, listing them as the author, followed by the host’s name and other details.
Works Cited Entry:
Osnos, Evan. “The Future Of America’s Contest With China.” Interview by Terry Gross. Fresh Air, NPR, 10 Jan. 2020,
In-Text Citation:
Chicago Style:
Chicago style can be formatted in Notes and Bibliography and Author-Date.
Notes and Bibliography:
Osnos, Evan. “The Future Of America’s Contest With China.” Interview by Terry Gross. Fresh Air, NPR, January 10, 2020.
Reference List Entry:
Osnos, Evan. 2020. “The Future Of America’s Contest With China.” Interview by Terry Gross. Fresh Air, NPR, January 10, 2020.
In-Text Citation:
Harvard Style:
In Harvard style, the interviewee is listed first, followed by the interviewer and other relevant details.
Reference List Entry:
Osnos, E. (2020) ‘The Future Of America’s Contest With China.’ Interviewed by T. Gross on Fresh Air, NPR, 10 January. Available at: (Accessed: 12 February 2025)
In-Text Citation:
Formatting Differences Across Citation Styles:
Properly citing sources is essential for maintaining academic integrity and ensuring podcast creators receive due credit for their work. Understanding how to cite a podcast across different citation styles—APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard—helps ensure clarity and consistency in research and professional writing. Since each style has specific formatting rules, following the correct structure and including all necessary details is crucial. Lastly, institutional citation guidelines should be double-checked to ensure compliance with the latest standards and avoid unintentional errors.
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In MLA format, cite the guest or host as the author, place the episode title in quotation marks, and italicize the podcast title. Example:
Osnos, Evan. “The Future of America’s Contest With China.” Fresh Air, NPR, 10 Jan. 2020, [URL].*
In APA format, list the host as the author, include the release date, italicize the episode title, and provide the podcast name and URL. Example:
Turchin, D. (Host). (2024, February 11). How AI is revolutionizing finance and decision-making [Audio podcast episode]. AI and the Future of Work. Apple Podcasts. [URL].*
Referencing a podcast depends on the citation style. Generally, include the host’s name, episode title, podcast name, release date, publisher/platform, and URL in the correct format.
For Notes & Bibliography, use a footnote:
1. Dan Turchin, “How AI is Revolutionizing Finance and Decision-Making,” Fresh Air, February 11, 2024, Apple Podcasts.
For Author-Date, cite in-text: (Turchin 2024).