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Essay Topics

Political Science Research Topics Across All Fields


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Table of Contents

Diving into political science research opens up many intriguing and impactful topics. Whether you’re exploring the intricacies of international relations, the nuances of public administration, or the philosophical underpinnings of political theories, there’s no shortage of areas to investigate. This comprehensive guide on political science research topics is designed to help you navigate various fields and find the perfect subject for your study. From current issues to classic debates, we’ll list 150 best picks, tips on selecting a topic, and essential do’s and don’ts for crafting compelling political papers.

Political Science Research Topics: The List of 150 Best Picks

Explore our curated list of 150 top political science research topics, designed to give you deep insights into the functioning of governments and societies. These thoughtfully selected topics will ensure you have a wealth of ideas to draw from for your political science projects, making it easier than ever to find a compelling subject for your academic work.

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Easy Political Science Research Topics

  • How does social media influence political opinions among young voters?
  • What are the impacts of political advertisements on election outcomes?
  • How do political parties use data analytics in their campaigns?
  • What role does the media play in shaping public perception of political leaders?
  • How do local governments address environmental issues?
  • What are the effects of political scandals on public trust in government?
  • How do different countries implement voting rights for expatriates?
  • What is the significance of political debates in presidential elections?
  • How do grassroots movements impact policy changes?
  • What are the challenges of implementing direct democracy in large nations?
  • How does political polarization affect legislative efficiency?
  • What are the key factors that influence voter turnout in local elections?
  • How do political leaders use public speeches to sway public opinion?
  • What are the main differences between the political ideologies of major parties?
  • How do international political alliances influence global peace and security?

Current Research Topics in Political Science

  • How does social media influence political polarization in contemporary democracies?
  • What are the impacts of populist movements on traditional political parties?
  • How do international trade agreements affect national sovereignty?
  • What role does misinformation play in shaping public opinion during elections?
  • How do immigration policies affect economic and social stability in host countries?
  • What are the effects of climate change policies on international relations?
  • How do gender quotas in politics influence policy outcomes?
  • What are the implications of cybersecurity threats on national security?
  • How does political corruption impact economic development in emerging economies?
  • What is the role of international organizations in resolving global conflicts?
  • How do electoral systems influence voter turnout and political representation?
  • What are the effects of economic sanctions on authoritarian regimes?
  • How does political lobbying affect legislative decision-making processes?
  • What are the consequences of digital surveillance on civil liberties?
  • How do public health crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, affect political stability and governance?

International Relations Political Science Research Topics

  • How does globalization impact international relations?
  • What role do international organizations play in conflict resolution?
  • How do trade agreements influence diplomatic relations between countries?
  • What are the implications of rising nationalism on global cooperation?
  • How does foreign aid affect the political stability of recipient countries?
  • What is the impact of cyber warfare on international security?
  • How do international treaties shape environmental policies across nations?
  • What are the effects of economic sanctions on international diplomacy?
  • How do cultural exchanges influence international relations?
  • What role does military power play in the balance of international relations?
  • How do human rights violations impact diplomatic relationships?
  • What are the consequences of political alliances on global conflicts?
  • How does international law govern relations between sovereign states?
  • What is the impact of migration on international relations?
  • How do international relations theories explain the behavior of states in the global arena?

Political Science Research Topics on Public Administration

  • How can public administration improve transparency and reduce corruption?
  • What are the impacts of e-governance on public service delivery?
  • How do public administration reforms affect economic development in developing countries?
  • What role does public administration play in crisis management and disaster response?
  • How can public administration enhance citizen participation in government decision-making?
  • What are the challenges and benefits of privatizing public services?
  • How does public administration address social equity and inclusion?
  • What strategies can public administration use to combat bureaucratic inefficiencies?
  • How does the implementation of public policies vary across different administrative systems?
  • What are the effects of public administration training programs on government performance?
  • How can public administration foster sustainable development practices?
  • What is the role of public administration in managing urbanization and infrastructure development?
  • How do intergovernmental relations impact public administration effectiveness?
  • What are the ethical dilemmas faced by public administrators in policy implementation?
  • How can public administration innovate to meet the challenges of the 21st century?

Philosophy Political Science Research Topics

  • How do philosophical theories of justice influence modern political systems?
  • What role does political philosophy play in the development of democratic principles?
  • How have the ideas of classical philosophers like Plato and Aristotle shaped contemporary political thought?
  • In what ways does the philosophy of liberalism impact current political policies?
  • How do social contract theories inform our understanding of state legitimacy?
  • What is the relationship between political power and moral philosophy?
  • How do different political philosophies approach the concept of human rights?
  • What is the influence of Marxist philosophy on modern political movements?
  • How do existentialist ideas influence political freedom and individual autonomy?
  • What are totalitarianism’s philosophical foundations, and how do they manifest in practice?
  • How does feminist political philosophy challenge traditional political theories?
  • What is the impact of utilitarian philosophy on public policy decision-making?
  • How do theories of anarchism critique and propose alternatives to state governance?
  • What role does political philosophy play in debates over global justice and international relations?
  • How do contemporary philosophers address the ethical implications of political actions and decisions?

Political Science Research Topics on Public Law

  • How does public law shape the relationship between government authorities and citizens?
  • What are the implications of judicial review on public policy?
  • How does constitutional law impact civil liberties in different countries?
  • What are the legal challenges involved in enforcing human rights internationally?
  • How do public law reforms influence democratic governance?
  • What is the role of administrative law in regulating public agencies?
  • How do different legal systems address issues of public accountability?
  • What are the effects of anti-corruption laws on political stability?
  • How does public law address the balance between national security and individual freedoms?
  • What are the legal mechanisms for protecting minority rights under public law?
  • How does public law handle the conflict between federal and state powers?
  • What are the challenges in implementing environmental regulations through public law?
  • How do public law principles apply to the regulation of public health policies?
  • What is the impact of public law on electoral processes and outcomes?
  • How do international public law treaties influence domestic legal systems?

Political Science Research Paper Topics on Comparative Politics

  • How do presidential and parliamentary systems compare in terms of governance and stability?
  • What are the key differences between federal and unitary systems of government?
  • How do different electoral systems impact political party development and representation?
  • How do welfare state policies vary between Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon countries?
  • What factors contribute to the success or failure of democratic transitions in different countries?
  • How do civil-military relations differ between authoritarian and democratic regimes?
  • What role do political institutions play in economic development across different countries?
  • How do different countries approach the issue of minority rights and integration?
  • What are the comparative effects of corruption on political and economic stability in various countries?
  • How do different political systems influence the formulation and implementation of foreign policy?
  • What are the main differences in healthcare policy between developed and developing countries?
  • How do social movements and political protests differ across democratic and authoritarian regimes?
  • What are the comparative impacts of globalization on domestic politics in various countries?
  • How do legal and judicial systems vary across different political regimes?
  • How does party system fragmentation affect governance and policy-making in different countries?

Political Science Research Topics on Conflict Resolution

  • How can mediation techniques be improved to resolve international conflicts?
  • What role does cultural understanding play in conflict resolution between nations?
  • How effective are peacekeeping missions in resolving long-term conflicts?
  • What strategies can be employed to resolve civil wars within a country?
  • How does economic disparity contribute to political conflicts, and how can it be addressed?
  • What impact does social media have on escalating or de-escalating political conflicts?
  • How can international organizations facilitate conflict resolution between warring states?
  • What are the most successful methods for resolving ethnic conflicts within diverse societies?
  • How do different political ideologies approach conflict resolution?
  • What role does diplomacy play in preventing and resolving international conflicts?
  • How can conflict resolution strategies be adapted to digital and cyber conflicts?
  • How can historical grievances impact current political conflicts, and how can they be addressed?
  • How do gender dynamics influence conflict resolution processes?
  • What are the best practices for post-conflict reconciliation and rebuilding?
  • How can negotiation tactics be optimized for resolving conflicts in multiparty political systems?

Government Research Paper Topics

  • How does federalism influence the distribution of power in the United States?
  • What are the impacts of government surveillance on citizen privacy rights?
  • How effective are government policies in combating climate change?
  • What role does the government play in regulating the economy?
  • How do government welfare programs affect poverty levels?
  • What are the challenges and benefits of government healthcare systems?
  • How does government corruption impact public trust and governance?
  • What is the role of government in ensuring cybersecurity?
  • How do government policies address income inequality?
  • What are the effects of government intervention in education?
  • How do different forms of government affect political stability?
  • What are the implications of government censorship on freedom of speech?
  • How do government policies impact immigration and integration?
  • What is the role of government in disaster management and response?
  • How does government support for research and development drive innovation?

Political Theorists Research Topics

  • How did Machiavelli’s political theories influence modern political thought?
  • What are the key differences between John Locke’s and Thomas Hobbes’ views on the social contract?
  • How did Rousseau’s concept of the “general will” shape democratic theory?
  • In what ways did Karl Marx’s theories impact political movements in the 20th century?
  • How did John Stuart Mill’s ideas on liberty contribute to liberal political philosophy?
  • What are the main arguments of Edmund Burke’s conservative political theory?
  • How did Hannah Arendt’s ideas on totalitarianism change the understanding of authoritarian regimes?
  • What are the implications of Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony for contemporary politics?
  • How does Alexis de Tocqueville’s analysis of democracy in America remain relevant today?
  • What contributions did Friedrich Hayek make to neoliberal political thought?
  • How do Judith Butler’s theories on gender influence contemporary political discourse?
  • What is the significance of Robert Nozick’s libertarian views in modern political theory?
  • How did Simone de Beauvoir’s feminist theory intersect with political theory?
  • What are the core principles of Michael Walzer’s theory of justice?
  • How did the political ideas of W.E.B. Du Bois address racial issues in American politics?

Political Conflicts Research Topics

  • What are the primary causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
  • How has the Syrian Civil War impacted regional stability in the Middle East?
  • What role does ethnicity play in the ongoing conflict in Myanmar?
  • How has the conflict in Ukraine influenced global geopolitics?
  • What are the economic consequences of the Venezuelan political crisis?
  • How do natural resources contribute to conflicts in African nations?
  • What are the historical roots of the Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan?
  • How has the Yemeni Civil War affected international relations in the Gulf region?
  • What are the main factors driving the conflict in South Sudan?
  • How does foreign intervention impact the resolution of internal conflicts?
  • What role do international organizations play in mediating political conflicts?
  • How has the Colombian peace process evolved over the years?
  • What are the effects of the Kurdish-Turkish conflict on regional security?
  • How do ideological differences fuel political conflicts in Latin America?
  • What strategies have been successful in resolving the Northern Ireland conflict?

Democracy and Democratization Research Topics

  • How does democratization impact economic development in emerging markets?
  • What are the key factors that influence successful democratization in post-conflict societies?
  • How do social movements contribute to the democratization process in authoritarian regimes?
  • What role does the international community play in supporting democratization efforts in developing countries?
  • How do democratic institutions evolve in countries with a history of authoritarian rule?
  • What are the challenges to sustaining democracy in countries with deep ethnic or religious divisions?
  • How does media freedom influence the democratization process in transitioning nations?
  • What is the relationship between education levels and successful democratization?
  • How do electoral systems affect the quality and stability of democracy in new democracies?
  • What impact does corruption have on the democratization process?
  • How do external economic pressures influence democratization efforts in developing countries?
  • What role do civil society organizations play in promoting and sustaining democracy?
  • How does the process of democratization affect human rights practices in transitioning countries?
  • What are the long-term impacts of foreign aid on democratization efforts?
  • How do different political cultures influence the process and success of democratization in various regions?

Political Corruption Research Topics

  • What are the primary causes of political corruption in developing countries?
  • How does political corruption impact economic development?
  • What are the most effective strategies for combating political corruption?
  • How does political corruption influence public trust in government institutions?
  • What role does the media play in exposing and addressing political corruption?
  • How do different political systems affect the prevalence of corruption?
  • What is the relationship between political corruption and electoral fraud?
  • How does political corruption affect international relations and foreign aid?
  • What are the long-term social consequences of political corruption?
  • How do anti-corruption policies vary across different countries, and what is their effectiveness?
  • What is the impact of political corruption on the judicial system?
  • How does political corruption contribute to the rise of populist movements?
  • What are the ethical implications of political corruption for public officials?
  • How do whistleblower protections influence the reporting of political corruption?
  • What role do international organizations play in combating political corruption?

Globalization and Politics Research Topics

  • How has globalization affected the sovereignty of nation-states?
  • What role does globalization play in the spread of democratic values?
  • How has globalization influenced the rise of populist movements?
  • What impact does globalization have on political corruption in developing countries?
  • How do international trade agreements shape domestic political landscapes?
  • What are the political implications of global environmental policies?
  • How has globalization affected the power dynamics between global superpowers?
  • What is the relationship between globalization and the rise of transnational terrorism?
  • How does globalization influence human rights policies worldwide?
  • What political challenges arise from the global migration crisis?
  • How does globalization impact electoral politics in emerging economies?
  • What is the effect of global media on political discourse in authoritarian regimes?
  • How do global economic crises influence national political stability?
  • What role do international organizations play in shaping global political norms?
  • How has globalization affected the political influence of multinational corporations?

Political Ideologies Research Topics

  • How has neoliberalism influenced global economic policies?
  • What are the core differences between socialism and communism?
  • How does conservatism impact modern governance in the United States?
  • What are the main principles of anarchism, and how have they been applied historically?
  • How does liberalism shape contemporary social policies in Western democracies?
  • What role does fascism play in today’s political landscape?
  • How has environmentalism evolved as a political ideology?
  • In what ways has feminism transformed political ideologies and policies?
  • How do libertarian principles influence current debates on government regulation?
  • What are the fundamental tenets of populism, and how do they manifest in current political movements?
  • How has nationalism shaped modern state policies and international relations?
  • What is the impact of multiculturalism on national political ideologies?
  • How do different political ideologies view the state’s role in the economy?
  • What are the ideological foundations of globalism, and how do they affect international cooperation?
  • How do political ideologies address issues of social justice and inequality?

How to Choose a Political Science Research Topic

Selecting an engaging and manageable political science research topic is crucial for writing a compelling essay. To ensure your topic is interesting to you and allows for in-depth research, consider the following tips:

  1. Identify Big Questions: Choose a research topic around a significant question you want to answer. For instance, what are the implications of voter ID laws on electoral participation? How do international trade agreements influence domestic labor markets? The more focused your question, the easier it will be to conduct thorough research.
  2. Follow Your Interests: Reflect on current events or class discussions that capture your attention. If a recent political debate sparked your curiosity, delve deeper into that subject. Research is more enjoyable and meaningful when it aligns with your interests.
  3. Consult Your Professor: Leverage your professor’s expertise by discussing your interests and seeking guidance. They can provide valuable insights, suggest resources, and help you refine your topic.
  4. Embrace Creativity: Political science isn’t limited to traditional theories. Explore unconventional topics, such as popular media’s portrayal of political issues. This creative approach can yield unique and intriguing research ideas.
  5. Focus on Specifics: Instead of broad themes like “globalization,” narrow your focus to specific aspects. For example, investigate how globalization affects small businesses in developing countries. A well-defined topic allows for a more detailed and insightful analysis.

5 Do's and 5 Don'ts of Political Papers



1. Do choose a specific and focused topic.

1. Don’t choose a topic that is too broad.

2. Do support your arguments with evidence.

2. Don’t rely on unsupported opinions.

3. Do structure your paper with clear sections.

3. Don’t ignore the importance of an outline.

4. Do cite your sources correctly

4. Don’t plagiarize or forget citations.

5. Do proofread and edit your paper thoroughly.

5. Don’t submit without revising for errors.

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Which topic is best for research in political science?

The best topic for research in political science depends on your interests and the scope of your study. Popular areas include international relations, political theory, comparative politics, public policy, and political economy. A good research topic is specific, manageable, and aligns with current events or ongoing debates in the field.

What are some good political topics?

Some good political topics include:

  1. The impact of social media on political campaigns.
  2. The role of international organizations in conflict resolution.
  3. Comparative analysis of healthcare policies in different countries.
  4. The influence of political ideologies on economic policies.
  5. Electoral reforms and their effects on democratic processes.

What type of research is done in political science?

Research in political science encompasses a variety of approaches, including:

  • Quantitative Research: Statistical analysis of numerical data to study patterns and correlations in political behavior.
  • Qualitative Research: In-depth analysis of non-numerical data such as interviews, case studies, and historical documents.
  • Comparative Research: Comparing political systems, institutions, and processes across countries or regions.
  • Theoretical Research: Developing and testing theories about political behavior, institutions, and systems.
  • Policy Analysis: Evaluating the effects and effectiveness of public policies and proposing recommendations.

What are the 10 examples of research titles in school?

  1. The Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Opinion During Elections
  2. Comparative Analysis of Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes
  3. “Impact of Immigration Policies on National Security”
  4. The Influence of Lobbying on Legislative Decision-Making
  5. Gender Representation in Parliaments: A Global Perspective
  6. Political Corruption and Its Effects on Economic Development
  7. The Effectiveness of International Sanctions on Rogue States
  8. Electoral Systems and Voter Turnout: A Comparative Study
  9. The Politics of Climate Change: Policy Responses in Developed and Developing Countries
  10. The Role of Political Ideologies in Shaping Economic Policies


The University of British Columbia. Research Areas. https://politics.ubc.ca/research/research-areas/



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